Centaury Herb


Dried Centaury by the weighed ounce.

The following is taken from a reputable web site but please do your own investigation:
Aromatic bitter, stomachic and tonic.
It acts on the liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, and is an excellent tonic.
The dried herb is given in infusion or powder, or made into an extract.
It is used extensively in dyspepsia, for languid digestion with heartburn after food,
in an infusion of 1 OZ. of the dried herb to 1 pint of water.
When run down and suffering from want of appetite, a wineglassful of this infusion Centaury Tea
- taken three or four times daily, half an hour before meals, is found of great benefit.
The same infusion may also be taken for muscular rheumatism.