Roman Chamomile Essential Oil - 1/4 oz


Price is for one 1/4 ounce of Roman Chamomile essential oil in an amber aromatherapy dropper bottle.

The following is taken from my supplier but you should do your own investigation:
Anthemis nobilis, steam distilled flower, UK.
Also known as Sweet chamomile, English chamomile, Nobel chamomile.
Its scent is sweet, herby, fruity, and apple-like.
The oil may be very pale blue at first and then it turns a pale yellow color.
Roman chamomile is generally used to treat psychological problems, beneficial for
people who are short tempered, self involved, overly sensitive or rarely satisfied.
It is a traditional remedy for children and is recommended when they are feeling impatient or tense.
A 1% dilution of Roman chamomile oil in apricot kernel or any other carrier oil will be
very useful as a massage oil over their cheeks or abdomen if the child suffers from colic or teething pain.
It is useful as a mild sedative for children.
While Roman chamomile's anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic effects are to a lesser degree
than German chamomile's, it also has anti-inflammatory properties.
It is suitable for inhalation.
Roman chamomile is a useful oil for women with irregular periods and PMS,
ideally used in a bath or massage oil.
Both have analgesic, antidepressant, antirheumatic and sedative properties, among many other properties.
Blends well with bergamot, jasmine, palmarosa, rose and ylang ylang.
Flash point: 125°F.