Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil - .17oz


Price is for one 0.17 ounce (5ml) of Cedarwood Atlas essential in a amber aromatherapy dropper bottle.

The following is taken from my supplier but you should do your own investigation:
The Bourbon geranium has been considered to be the finest and most expensive geranium essential oils,
it offers a very strong rose-like odor with a high Citronellol content.
Among its properties are analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, cicatrisant, diuretic and insecticide.
Calms anxiety, lifts the spirit, assists with depression.
Useful for all conditions of the woman's reproductive system as an inhalant and massage application, beneficial for PMS.
May assist with menopausal problems such as vaginal dryness and heavy periods.
Assists with breast inflammation.
Helps clear the body of toxins which may be helpful with addictions.
Stimulates the lymphatic system which keeps infection at bay. Eases neuralgia.
Indicated for all problems of the nervous system such as anxiety and nervous fatigue.
The oil is a diuretic and a lymphatic stimulant which can help relieve congestion, fluid retention and swollen ankles.
Useful for all skin conditions as it balances sebum. Good for oily skin.
It's an excellent remedy for burns, wounds and ulcers.
Blends well with basil, bergamot, carrot seed, jasmine, lavender and rose.
Flash point: 185F.